Ug99 Race Group Effective Sr genes

Origin and usefulness of catalogued and temporarily designated Sr genes in conferring seedling and/or adult plant resistance to all Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races belonging to the Ug99 lineage (after Singh et al., 2015)

Origin of Sr genes Stem rust resistance (Sr) genes
Ineffective Effective
Triticum aestivum 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 9f, 9h, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 30, 41, 49, 54, McN, Tmp (or Sha7)a,b, Wld-1 15a,b,f, 28a, 29b,c, 42a,b, 48, 55b,d, 56b,d, 57b,d, 58b,d, Huw234a,b , ND643b, Yayeb
Triticum turgidum 9d, 9e, 9g, 11, 12, 17 2b,d , 13a,b , 14a,b
Triticum monococcum 21 22, 35 a
Triticum timopheevi 36 37c
Aegilops speltoides 32c , 39c , 47e
Aegilops tauschii 33b , 45a,b , 46a,e, TA10171e, TA10187a,e, TA1662a,e
Aegilops searsii 51
Aegilops geniculata 53
Dasypyrum villosum 52
Triticum comosum 34
Triticum ventricosum 38
Triticum araraticum 40c
Thinopyrum elongatum 24 25a , 26, 43a,c
Thinopyrum intermedium 44 a ,c
Secale cereale 31 27a, 50a,1RS(Amigo)a,b

a Virulence for the gene is known to occur in other races

b Level of resistance conferred in the field usually inadequate under high disease pressure

c Unsuitable for utilization due to linkage with undesirable traits in the translocation

d Confers slow rusting adult plant resistance

e Not tested for resistance to Ug99 in field trials to determine effectiveness

f Data from multiple research groups are not consistent; initial studies determined Sr15 was ineffective however recent data shows avirulence in Ug99 lineage