Nov. 16, 2010: Stem rust widespread in both Kenya and Eritrea

Survey updates – East Africa

Kenya: stem rust incidence and severity remains high in Kenya. Expanded surveys (Aug-Sept 2010) by KARI, Njoro staff in the Central and North Rift regions recorded stem rust in 70% of the 122 fields surveyed. Stem rust severity was recorded as moderate (20-40%) or high (>40%) in 29% of the survey fields. From the latest surveys, 75% of the fields were considered to have received some fungicide application.

All of the surveys undertaken in Kenya this year have found stem rust at high incidence and severity. The disease is widespread throughout the wheat growing regions and farmers are very reliant on fungicides for control.

Eritrea: Repeat annual rust surveys were undertaken by NARI, Eritrea staff throughout the Central Highland wheat growing areas in Oct. 2010. In stark contrast to the previous year, stem rust incidence and severity was high. Stem rust was widespread in all the areas surveyed (c.f. complete absence during the Sept. 2009 surveys). Favourable environmental conditions during the current season were undoubtedly a key factor. A total of 92 fields were surveyed and stem rust (both wheat and oat) was recorded at 84% of the sites. Excluding infected oat fields, wheat stem rust was recorded at 49 sites out of 63 (78%). Of these wheat / barley sites, 37 (40%) had moderate (20-40%) or high (>40%) stem rust severity. Extensive sampling was undertaken as part of the Eritrean surveys and race analysis will be undertaken by AAFC, Canada.


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