The latest version of the Mehtaensis newsletter (a 6 monthly newsletter named after Prof. K.C. Mehta) has just been published by the IIWBR, Regional Station, Flowerdale, Shimla. Compiled and edited by Dr. S.C. Bhardwaj, O.P. Gangwar, Pramod Prasad and Hanif … Continue reading
Tag Archives: leaf rust
The latest version of the Mehtaensis newsletter (a 6 monthly newsletter named after Prof. K.C. Mehta) has just been published by the DWR, Regional Station, Flowerdale, Shimla. Compiled and edited by Dr. S.C. Bhardwaj, O.P. Gangwar, Pramod Prasad and Hanif … Continue reading
Rust surveys were carried out in all the four key wheat growing regions of Kenya: South Rift, Mount Kenya region, Central Rift and North Rift. The surveys were conducted by experts from the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institution (KARI). A total … Continue reading
The latest version (Vol 34, July 2014, No. 2) of the Mehtaensis newsletter (a 6 monthly newsletter named after Prof. K.C. Mehta) has just been published by the DWR, Regional Station, Flowerdale, Shimla. Compiled by Dr. S.C. Bhardwaj, O.P. Gangwar, … Continue reading
Extensive annual rust surveys were undertaken throughout the wheat growing areas of Bangladesh during February-March 2014. The surveys were coordinated by Dr P.K. Malaker of the Wheat Research Centre (WRC), Dinajpur, but implemented by several collaborating stations, including; Dinajpur, Joydebpur, … Continue reading
Annual rust surveys, led by Asmelash Wolday of NARI, during the period 3-15th October 2013 covered all the main wheat growing regions of Eritrea. A total of 69 sites were surveyed (see survey map – As in previous years, … Continue reading
Extensive surveys were undertaken throughout Nepal during the period late March to mid May 2013. The surveys were coordinated by Sarala Sharma at NARC, Khumaltar with several participating institutes involved in implementation. A total of 102 locations were surveyed, covering … Continue reading
Wheat is a minor crop in Malawi, however the geographical location situated between the wheat growing countries of East Africa and Southern Africa raises the question whether it acts as stepping stone for the movement of wheat rusts, especially stem … Continue reading
Extensive rust surveys were undertaken throughout the wheat growing areas of Bangladesh during January-April 2013. The surveys were coordinated by Dr P.K. Malaker of the Wheat Research Centre, Dinajpur, but implemented by several collaborating stations, namely; Dinajpur, Joydebpur, Jamalpur, Jessore … Continue reading
Rust surveys were coordinated and undertaken by the National Plant Protection Centre, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, Semtokha, Thimpu, Bhutan in collaboration with the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat (DRRW) project during the period 25th April – 3rd … Continue reading